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Epilog Fusion Pro
Full Spectrum PS36
Epilog Fusion Pro

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Epilog Fusion Pro

LAS110: Introduction to the Epilog Fusion Pro Laser Cutter

Epilog Fusion Pro

Laser system

Laser cutting is a process by which a laser cartridge blasts a stream of photons onto a material to cut or engrave it. The process requires training and presents unique risks, but results are unlike those of other subtractive manufacturing methods (such as CNC milling). If you've ever seen videos of phone engraving, you've seen laser cutting.

Our Epilog Fusion Pro is a powerful laser cutter that we use extensively around the Wyrkshop. It is able to cut wood, cardboard, and acrylic effortlessly, as well as engrave metals, glass, and plastics. We've been leaning heavily on the Epilog in the past few months to cut out over 2,000 face shield visors for medical facilities and schools across the state of Wyoming, which it has done without fail. We also used the Epilog to cut out the inlay for our coffee table, which you can see by checking out the AWSM Coffee Table blog post.

Type: Dual-type 80W CO2/30W fiber laser system

Cut Volume: 1219 x 914 mm (48 x 36 inches)

Materials: Wood, glass, non-chlorinated plastic, acrylic, cardboard

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