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Bantam Tools CNC Mill
Bantam Tools CNC Mill
CNC Router
CNC milling is one of the most common types of subtractive manufacturing. The process uses a computer-controlled rotary bit to carve parts out of a block of material. CNC mills have become more common across garages and backyard workshops as they've grown cheaper and easier to use. Common materials milled with CNC machines include wood, plastic, and PCB boards.
CNC machines like the Bantam Tools CNC Mill are great for hobbiests all the way to engineers looking to learn a new skill. The Bantam CNC Mill in particular is capable of true 4D machining. While it's great for PCB's and machining, it also has the 4th axis tool that allows you to create objects like chess pieces.
Type: CNC router
Router Bed Volume: 7 x 9 x 3.3 inches
Materials: Wood, plastics, synthetics, composites, non-ferrous, and ferrous metals. Please see https://support.bantamtools.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059006853-Materials-Overview for the complete list.